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Mother Goose Nursery School is open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm and before care starting at 7:30 an and after care from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm Monday - Friday. The program follows the Saugerties Central School calendar. Enrollment begins at 2 yrs 9 mo. to 12 years old. The program follows the Saugerties School curriculum. Mother Goose also offers summer camp Monday - Friday. Check out the Mother Goose Facebook page or call 845-246-0542 for more information.  You can also send any questions or requests to


Through the interest of kinsmen, ministers, and parishioners of the Catskill, Saugerties and Quarryville Methodist Churches, the Friends of Asbury was formed in 1981 to look after the cemetery.  Through their efforts, a perpetual care fund was established, and in 1995 the Cemetery became a United Methodist Historic Site.  A meeting of the Friends is held annually on the third Saturday of September at 10:00.  The site for the meeting rotates between the Catskill United Methodist Church and the Saugerties United Methodist Church.  New friends are always welcome and more information may be obtained by contacting the office of the Saugerties United Methodist Church. 



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Multiple Girl Scout troops use the Saugerties United Methodist Church to hold their meetings. The local Girl Scout leaders also hold their meetings here, and the Fellowship Hall is used for large group activities such as Christmas Caroling and craft activities.

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The goal of Pro Musica is to bring quality music to Saugerties, providing monthly concerts.​

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